Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Rakyat Has Spoken

Though the 12th Malaysian elections are over, talk of it has yet to die down. Why? Well, the results I suppose are just too phenomenal. But while I have certain opinions about the whole matter, I have decided not to blog about it as certain rat finks lurking out there in the murky swamps may just report this website to certain authorities who may not be overtly fond of free speech and I don't take too kindly to rotting in jail. So enough said. But this was a first for me...voting that is...and I was rather excited about the whole she-bang. Unfortunately, the whole she-bang was rather short lived. It took Jess (yeah, we ended up voting at the same centre) and myself all of 5 minutes to complete the whole process of checking our identity cards, climbing up 3 floors, waiting (somewhat embarassingly) while one guy shouted out our identity card numbers and full name (with much emphasis on my chinese name) to the whole world, crossing our choice of candidate and then walking proudly out of the classroom. I felt proud because I had the priviledge off changing the history of my country and was a part of something important...democracy at play.