Thursday, February 12, 2009

25 Random Things About The Leech

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, just copy and paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.

Thanks a bunch Jess! Yes, I know that you are not pointing a gun to my head but you know how compliant I am to these sort of lists…so here goes:

1. When I was younger, I used to get nightmares that my mum would have another kid and I would be the unwanted and unloved middle child.
2. I don’t drink sugarcane water (EVER!) since that day where my dad stopped at the road side and my whole family (but not yours truly because yours truly did not like the murky green juice that the machine squirted out) had many sips of the said juice. The next day, all of them had really bad diarrhoea.
3. The only two edible things that I do not eat are bitter gourd and pepper (green, yellow, red…whatever colours it comes in, those are the colours that I don’t eat). Everything else is fair game.
4. My morning routine as I enter the office. Mumble, mumble (my attempts at wishing the co-workers good morning)…tries to fit key into room door and succeeds after the fourth try…dumps bags on chair…turns lap top on…heads to the pantry…pats darling coffee machine and presses the appropriate buttons (apparently, I know more about the coffee machine than the others who have worked here for the longest time ever)…takes a great big sniff and settles into chair…then gulp, gulp, gulp and ten minutes later, the cobwebs have magically been remove and work beckons.
5. I have no desire to get a big ass car because I am now making a little bit more money than I used to. My next car (in the far future…can’t bear to part with ichi ban buta just yet) will be a cute hybrid car…or an EV car! I do not need to go from 0 to 80 km/h in 2 seconds. I already drive like a maniac as it is.
6. I was 8 years old (or so) and walking back from dancing class with a friend when a creepy stranger guy tried to grab us. My friend was scared shit but I got angry (yes, kids do have a natural sense of what violation is) and started kicking and punching the guy in a blind frenzy that he had to let us go. I grabbed my friend and we ran all the way home. I shudder to think what would have happened had we not gotten away. Thank God we did!
7. I know that I will never finish this list if I don’t keep it short!
8. I love tom yam. That’s the only thing I crave for whenever I am overseas. For one week last year, I had tom yam every single day and was still in love with it.
9. I think that ordering Indomie goreng at the mamak is a waste of money (mamak = RM3.50/plate vs 1 packet off the supermarket shelf = RM 0.50) but I still order it anyway.
10. I am a sucker for guys with luscious lips.
11. I will always love Roger Federer no matter what ranking he is at.
12. I have this innate ability to fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow so I am not fun at sleep overs once the lights have gone off.
13. I like my space. I need my space.
14. I love wasabi covered macadamia nuts. It’s sad that I can’t get any in Malaysia.
15. I told my mum how much I love her right before she died. I am glad I did.
16. I once ate 36 oysters in one sitting. I have yet to repeat that feat.
17. I love (LOVE!) Japanese food.
18. I don’t like crowds. They make me feel claustrophobic. The only crowds I like and want to be a part of are those in any Linkin Park concert.
19. For the past two years, I attempted to write a 50,000 word novel in one month. As a result, I have two unfinished novels in my hard drive. The second try churned out a feeble one page; half of which were lyrics of Beyonce’s “If I Were A Boy.”
20. I secretly want a little penguin from Philip Island as a pet.
21. Almost everything piggy I own are given by friends. The only piggy thing I bought for myself is the headrest in Ichi Ban Buta. Everything else are gifts.
22. I hate having to choose between having a mango or a berrylicious fruit drink.
23. I can’t understand why Manju and Ratha don’t eat durians!
24. Barney scares me. I don’t like the colour purple because it reminds me of Barney!
25. There is a cupboard in my dead grandmother’s room that scares me because it is the perfect size to fit her body in. After her funeral, I was supposed to sleep in her room. I think I stared apprehensively at the cupboard a good while before dozing off. No, I did not dare open it and I don’t think I have ever opened it since.