Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Lizard, The Pail And The Bathroom

Once upon a time, Lisha was sitting on her throne as she is prone to do every morning as soon as her handphone jolts her weary self out of deep slumber. And though she was bleary eyed and wooly brained, something caused her to quickly snap to attention. The 'something' was a pair of black beady eyes staring at her from across the bathroom. To her great disgust, it was an utterly despicable reptile of the lizard kind and as soon as she realized what she was up against, Lisha grabs her glasses and puts them on for if one is to wage war against the reptile called a lizard, then one had better have good eyesight on her side. She then grabs the first big thing close to her. This weapon of choice turned out to be a bright yellow pail. On hindsight, she acknowledges the fact that the pail was initially intended as more of a shield (a protective device against the crafty, disgusting, icky cold blooded creature that had the potential to jump on her and not let go) than a weapon of mass reptile destruction. But nevertheless, she bravely waved it at the lizard while making snarling noises to warn the lizard that she meant business. She of course had the sense to not shout at it as shouting would entail opening her mouth and that foul thing with the potential to jump on her also had the potential of jumping right into her open mouth. Then with a single yet deadly accurate swipe, she smacks the lizard onto the floor and a mini chase lasting all of twenty seconds followed suit. Victory was Lisha’s as she finally brought the pail down on the lizard and quickly filled the pail with water for added weight. This was done to prevent the lizard from overturning the pail and escaping. After all, it could have been a really strong lizard with sufficient upper body strength. Lisha was definitely not taking any chances.

With the lizard safely out of sight, she could finally start breathing again. But just as her heart rate was heading downwards, she spots a wriggling ‘thing’ on the floor of her bathroom. “EEEWWW!”. The reptile called a lizard had left behind his tail and though detached, it apparently had a mind of its own and that mind was commanding it to wriggle, wriggle, wriggle. And wriggle, wriggle, wriggle it did for almost a full minute…it of course could have been shorter but it sure felt like a really long time. But finally, when the tail stopped, Lisha had to get moving. The events that morning left her with very little time left to haul herself to work.

The end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My dear, the lizard was more frightened than you ... saw your face early in the morning ... !!!

Somemore oh ... the lizard must be very 'suey' that morning ... thinking that it will have a nice cool, peaceful rest after a long night of snapping insects for you ... then not only that it got a shock of its life but also lost its tail along the way ...

I mean ... imagine early in the morning someone come and cut your hair or your limbs or your ... CHOI!!!

There must be a society for preventing cruelty to lizards or something like that ...