Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Clueless In UH

For fear of the authorities reading this and the repercusions that may occur please read between the lines. The reason why I was sent to Sweden & Belgium and the reason why I am attending WEEKLY meetings for a particular project that I will not mention here relates greatly to this Dilbert cartoon. The phrase 'prevention is better than cure' apparently is...well...not such a popular idea around this parts of the world.

When I was younger and much much greener, I would normally be found in a secluded corner of pharmacy yanking at my hair and asking, "WHY?!!!". This happens at least b.d (that's twice daily for you non-medical folks). I have since given up asking questions that quite clearly has answers that no one will openly utter.

Being now wiser (don't know by how much though...ha ha...such humility) and plus the secluded corners that I used to patronage have since started to leak, I now carefully pick my battles. Things that use to bother me are now like 'water over the proverbial duck's back'. Hey, really...if you can't beat 'em...join 'em. The clueless wonders. Ha hair is growing back...finally.

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