Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Still Recovering...

After writing that last post about my on call week...thinking that nothing else untoward could possibly did! Big time too might I add. But I am not at liberty to blog about it...because...well...I'll sum it up in one word: consequences. What can I say? There are some things that unfortunately have to be censored. But I will say this about the incident; unfortunate...should never have's never a good idea to lie to the pharmacist. Sigh, am still rather mad with the 'people' who made this mistake...still very much incredulous...

Well...I have learned something from this 'lesson'. When your senses pick up something that does not seem altogether correct...then it probably isn't. Assume that everyone are idiots...provide 'idiot proof' instructions at all times. It's better to offend people than to ever allow 'avoidable' mistakes from happening.

These life lessons...very difficult to swallow...but they teach you plenty.

And yes...I got another call at around 1:25am that night. So yes...still recovering from the week's events. God save us all...grant us wisdom to do no harm...and discernment when we are about to. Amen.


Anonymous said...

Yeah...can feel your frustrations. What to did all you could.

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