The weekend of course flew by. The bits that I remember...Kanna Curry House...Georgia Rule...Hair Spray. And then before I knew it...MONDAY!!! Oh Garfield...you are so so right to hate Mondays. Have been on an adrenaline high since 8 am (caffeine probably had a role here). SO MUCH FREAKING WORK TO DO BEFORE I GO ON LEAVE TOMORROW! That's why I am taking a moment here to blog...release some stress before continuing the madness that is pilling high on my desk.
Anyway...am trying to psych myself up about Linkin Park...which is set for tomorrow. I know that the excitement will set in once I get all of this out of the way. The plans are all laid out. We will catch an early bus tomorrow morning which will take us all the way to Novena Square. Get the tickets and keys to Hamish's place. Freshen up. Make our way to the indoor stadium. One hour (hopefully more) of screaming. Winding down for the night. An early taxi to Senai Airport. An early flight back home. Then heading back to the hospital for some data collection (the pile in medical records is still...a high...high pile)...clinics at night. And I am very certain that by the end of Wednesday...I will be so tired that I will opt to wash my hair the next morning (which we know will probably never happen) and just collapse into my comfy queen sized bed with all that pillows (some courtesy of MAS...ha ha ha ha ha) and pigs.
Okay...enough of this procrastination. Back to the drawing block...sigh...and no...to those of you who think I am blogging during office hours...this is AFTER office hours and therefore am doing this work pro bono...basically the only time I get to sort out a lot of things in peace.
Linkin Park...HERE I COME!!!!
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