Sigh. There are so many things that I want to blog many instances when something idiotic, funny or just plain exasperating happens and my mind starts to think in my 'blogging' mode which goes something like this: "Dear blog...the road this morning was exceptionally clear. I just LOVE the school holidays. Seriously...not a car in sight. But as I got on to the LDP, things started to become suspiciously suspicious. For starters, the bright orange cones that are normally arranged on the fly over in front of One Utama were missing. They normally don't place the cones up on weekends...or public holidays. Then it struck me. Sultan of Selangor's birthday and I started cursing (nothing foul...don't worry). Oh...I wasn't cursing the was more the fact that I had to get up early to work while the rest of Selangor slumbers away. An injustice that stings us folks working in a plot of land that sits on the border of PJ and KL (the hospital building is sooo definitely IN PJ) and unfortunately have a KL address." But many a time I don't get to a computer fast enough and the thought floats into the land of 'I Mean To Do It Later But In Reality Will Most Probably Not'.
Anyway...I have still yet to blog about Linkin Park and Crown Prince because I have yet to post the pictures up. And oh do I have some brilliant pictures!

And The Rat! The Rat! Remember The Rat I blogged about? The disgusting filthy rat with mean beady pasty eyes and sharp jagged claws with an unhealthy habit of grabbing things to stuff into its forever chewing jaws. Well in this rears ist ugly and fat head again. Stab stab stab. Snitch snitch snitch. The Colony suffers because of this one really bad apple. But let's go back in time. A time that finds a proud expecting couple waiting so patiently for the arrival of what was to be the latest addition to their small family of three. They had such grand plans...such big hopes. Unfortunately for them, what came was a howling mean looking ugly shrivelly thing. The Parents got a shock of their lives. Why? What have we done wrong? Why?!!! But like most things in life...we just don't know.
The Rat grew and grew and grew into a disgustingly obese bully. So it was no wonder that The Rat had very little friends in school. You'd think that there must be some good in The Rat for these 'friends' to stick around. Maybe there is...but The Rat's behaviour made it literally impossible to know for sure. The Parents tried to instill good values...morals...but to no avail. But like all good parents...they did not stop trying...though it was soon apparent that their effort, tears and heartache were all in vain. The Rat did not change.
Back to present time. As each day passed by, The Rat was filled with more envy...envy at the successes and even happiness of the others in the Colony. It never occurred to The Rat to be happy for the Colony. It certainly never occurred to The Rat that it could be happy too. Old habits die hard. So instead of building up the Colony, it took upon itself the task of tearing it down. In order to glorify itself, The Rat had to destroy everything around it. If it could not be happy, then the Colony MUST NOT be either.
PS: Part three will be written and posted when you (and I for that matter) least expect it...but judging by the way things are heating up in The may be sooner than you and I think.
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