Thursday, May 29, 2008

Thoughts On Friends & Being One

I will be the first to admit that I am very fortunate to be surrounded by good friends. People who I know will be there for me when things get rough and when I am at my worse. People who have and will continue to put up with my nonsense and my moods...people who have laughed and cried with me. People who have seen me 'slightly' tipsy and people who have sat with me in silence. Yes, I am blessed.
No man is an island. Well...I don't really agree. I believe that man can live on his own. Instead, the saying should read "No sane man is an island." I know that I can get pretty insane if left alone to my own devices and company for too long.
I have recently...welll, not exactly recently...but recent enough (forgive the stuffy nose...lack of oxygen...brain malfunction) been through a rough patch with a friend. A very good friend. That rough patch has left me doubting the truthfulness of her statements. And the problem with that is I am a very gullible and trusting when it comes to friends. Rats are a different ballgame altogether. I simply hate having doubt creep in our relationship. I don't like the double guessing...the suspicion. It is not good. I have made a decision (no, this is not the big decision that I have to make) to give her the benefit of the doubt. If she stills feels like she has to lie to me or can't quite get the truth out...well...I can't do anything about it I guess. Just as I expect my friends to accept me as I am, then I should accept her as she is.
Relationships. A complicated ballgame. Sometimes the ball is in my court and sometimes it is in yours. But I guess that the trick is to keep the ball going and not to keep track of the times it gets hit out of the lines...or whose fault it is.

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