Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Gossipy Gossips

A quote by Eleanor Roosevelt (I love her quotes by the way):
Great minds discuss ideas
Average minds discuss events
Small minds discuss people
It seems that I have been plagued with people who fall into the latter category. I just don't understand them...really...I don't. These are those who ABSOLUTELY need to know what's going on in other peoples lives. Those who have nothing better to do than to poke and pry and when they can't get anything on you...they make things up.
I have been a victim of such mindless and often times baseless gossips. When it reaches my ears, I am left dumbfounded and speechless (very rare attributes of the Great Leech)..."What the **^$&^!". It used to hurt. But now it is just think that there are people who actually bother talking about me. Soon, I might even love the attention!
But it bothers me when those same people start to gossips about other people in my vicinity. The conversation can become very mean and malicious and it leaves one feeling icky and get the idea! Sigh...why? Why? WHY?
Questions...with no answers. So a quote of my own: "Can't join them? Leave the room."

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