Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Down In The Dumps

Sometimes I feel so stripped down. All my defenses have disappeared over night and I feel raw and exposed. And it certainly doesn’t help that I am listening to very melancholic music right now (The Pierces: Thirteen Tales of Love and Revenge). I suppose that the lyrics are actually rather ironically funny, but in my current mood of gloom and sensitivity, it sounds dead depressing. Life is really a matter of interpretation, isn’t it?

It’s just this time of the year that brings me down and I try not to let it, but starting from mid August I just start getting really gloomy (I know, I am going to use this word a fair bit here, my sincere apologies) without knowing why. It just hits me all of a sudden. Blam! And I am left wanting to crawl into a hole and just hide…hibernate.

Then I realise, oh, this were the couple of really difficult weeks leading up to my mum’s death. Okay. This fact sinks in and suddenly I feel less gloomy…because it helps to understand where the gloom (hey, this is only the fourth time!) is coming from. Then at least I can start working on it.

So I guess that for the time being, I am going to stay away from people who grate my exposed nerves and remember to breath deeply (like a hundred times) before I say something biting in response to imbecilic remarks. For those of you dear to my heart (you know who you are), please bear with me if you catch me in one of my moods. I really don’t mean to bring anyone down. Those who can’t bear with me, then I guess that you are not dear to my heart and I seriously am not in the least bothered about what you think.

And P/S: Don’t dish out advice that you yourself do not or cannot follow because it just seems really silly coming out from your hypocritical mouth.

There, I have said it. I have said it and I am going to leave it.

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