Friday, October 03, 2008


This Hari Raya…though not as strenous as last year’s white water rafting, abseiling and caving expedition…proved to be equally as entertaining though not entirely as healthy. After two days of intoxicating social dos that started on Friday afternoon, it was REALLY difficult waking up this morning to get to work. Granted, the roads were crystal clear (just gotta lurve the holidays!)…but I could not say the same about my head.

But I digress…or not. Over the last two days (that really felt like a weekend) I played some ping pong, managed a 6 minute change of clothes*, ‘socialised’ at tsb, watched many episodes of Shark, attended a close friend’s daughter’s Sangeet a.k.a Punjabi style celebration with lots of singing and dancing and juicy ribs, did a Kimi Raikkonen to Subang for waffles, shot a cross bow and pretended to be Legolas with a bow and arrow, ventured around the town of Kundang in search of lunch, walked the whole of Summit, pigged out on just too much food and ended the festivities with Mama Mia.

Mama Mia was entertaining but I just could not stomach the Pierce Brosnan singing romantic/angst love songs. It was just too weird for me. In my head, he will always be, “Bond, James Bond.”

Right then, that’s all the update for now because dear blog, a certain silver Honda City awaits to sweep us out for lunch.

* Kiasu attempt to avoid paying parking fees but later on found out that the exit bar was up anyway cause no one was around. Gah!!!


Anonymous said...

LM: In my days.. Pierce Brosnan was also a TV character 'Remington Steele'. Ring any bells?

The Leech said...

Erm...not really. Heard of it but never seen it before.

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