Wednesday, May 13, 2009


These past few weeks have been trying ones. They have been filled with challenges, both in and out of the office. There have been times I have lost my way at the crossroad of choices that are appearing more frequently of late. Many times where I have taken the wrong road. Many times that I started to doubt myself and my sanity and whether I was doing the right thing and making the right decisions. Doubts...they never really stop. Instead, they have a really sneaky way of multiplying till you are a jittery, quivery and uncertain mess.
Before I got too lost...the Hand that holds me jerked me to a stop. I think that some cold water was splashed as well. It woke me up. WHAT IN THE WORLD WAS I DOING??? HELLO?!!! This jittery, quivery and uncertain mess was NOT me. It stops here. I have my directions. I have a map. I have a plan. What exactly was I unsure of? The more I thought of it...the more I doubts slithered away...just as sneakily as they appeared.
Moral of the story. We need to stop and listen and assess before continuing. Those moments of rest are the ones that wake us up. They allow us to hear the alarms that may be blaring before we get too lost. As the saying goes...stop and smell the coffee...ooops...roses.

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