Thursday, November 05, 2009

Have You Seen Google Today?

Sesame Street turns 40 today! I just love Google's picture today. Brilliantly cute. It brought back so many nostalgic memories of my childhood and even as I write this, I am smiling. I am brought back to a certain small town where a single story house nest in the middle of a large compound filled with fruit trees and chicken and a particular maroon Mini-Minor that zooms us wee lads around. Now the Mini is yellow and the lot of us can no longer fit into the backseat...much less climb into it. I remember the swing out front where the six of us would squeaze into (three on the seat and three on the back rest) and swing away pretending the wind in our hair blew from the wild stormy seas where we reigned as pirates (ahoy there me matey!) in search of treasure islands and eager to plunder any wealthy looking ships that dared cross out path. Until one day we got too big for the swing and went toppling over...swing and six ex-pirates. Then Ghost Busters came about and the dark book-filled library slash store became a hunting ground for us and our vacuum cleaner. Digging for worms and fishing in the drains surrounding the house. Running through a dragonfly filled field and watching the swarm of red and green and blue fly away from us. Kingfishers alighting on the electrical wires in front of the house. Rambutan trees fruiting...oh my, the sweet red bunches of juiciness. Ciku, nangka, mangosteen, jambu! Watching IT with the rest and being scared to death of clowns and going to the toilet alone. Sweets and snacks my Kong-Kong would buy us after cycling back from town. The different cats my aunt had...all cute and thoroughly terrorised by us. The Beano and Dandy comics we grew up with. And Reader's Digest dating back to the 60s. And the list goes on.
But I am reminded. It has been a long time since ichi-babi and it's owner made a trip up north to all that rich memories. I am ashamed to not have made more of an effort to do so while I still can. There will be a day when I want to and the house may no longer welcome me the way I want it to. Alrighty then! Time for a road trip!


jim said...
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Sunny said...

C is for cookie!!! My son loves that song. This makes me feel old. LOL!

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