Sunday, February 27, 2011


I just found out that a friend I had lost touch with passed away this morning. Cervical cancer. She was a year younger. Of all the words I could choose from...I will choose two: THAT SUCKS. It does. Another light snuffed out. At such a young age. It just doesn't seem right.

There has to be a lesson to be learnt. As I sit in Starbucks rehabilitating my injured pointer finger (another story for another post), I look around. This place is filled with young people (aside from the two older aunties sitting in front of me who look like they are best friends catching up on life) surfing, chatting, caffeinating...and there are these two guys watching Glee together (ahem). So much 'life' happening at this place that I feel like an outcast. I am thinking of death. Of lost. And there has to be a lesson somewhere here.

I don't know. Perhaps the lesson is in acknowledging that these losses hurt...they take a piece of us with them and we are never the same again. In acknowledging this, we perhaps have a greater appreciation of people around us. Perhaps this is the lesson.

But whatever it may be, goodbye my dear friend. May you be at peace finally.


Haris Abdul Rahman said...

I was sorry to hear about your friend. I was about to give one of those roaring, Braveheart-like comment about my commitment to pursue the cure for cancer, and how it will benefit humanity until I read you comment on the later paragraph.....

Guys also watch Glee you know. There was nothing wrong with that!

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