Our poor (defined not by monetary means but rather by the
cruel twist in events that brought him to our table) waiter. I just could not keep a straight face while ordering the sausages...what with all the loin jokes flying around and the dares and challenges made. Here's what our order looked like:

- Bacon & cheese salad (they did not just have bacon & cheese minus the salad...alas)
- A mixed platter (2 steaks, 4 sausages, 4 kebabs and more salad)
- Lamb roast of the day

Time for the verdict: steaks - yummy, lamb roast - yummy, kebabs - yummy, sausages - disappointingly NOT yummy. I would give it THE LEECHES SEAL OF APPROVAL but with reservations when it comes to the sausages. Oh, the wedges were good...the mash potatoes...well, after having eaten Aunty Kim's mash tatters...every other sort pales in comparison. Don't believe me? Be nice to her and you may be invited to their annual Christmas BBQ (ha ha...now it's out there in the open...ooops). It is superb! I kid you not. As sooth as a baby's *ahem* and cheesy.

Ah Moi, apa pasal you leave so much space at the bottom of you post ... ???
You need more space for more steaks, kebabs, salad and sausages, and sausages and more sausages, is it???
Edit and delete! Chop!Chop!
Sigh, no time to look through mah. Anyways, done.
Thank you very much for the contribution.
It has been very useful, I was looking for something similar,greetings and thanks.
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