Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Leech Rambling While Testing Font Colours

Black. New font colour. Realise how much there sort of things bother me. Font size, colour, alignment. Meticulous? Not...just painstakingly obsessive I suppose.

Red. Chinese New Year. This will be the first year after so long that I am not flying off for mission work. Actually, it's the first year after my mum passed away that I have been around. It's just hard...putting on a smile and having to fake niceties when what I really want to do is curl up in bed and read a really good book. But this year...just as well...LQ and myself will be flying up to Penang for a week. Tai Yee is there...recuperating from her mastectomy. Also haven't seen the folks up there for a long while. And the assam laksa and prawn noodles and rojak...yummers!

Orange. Vitamin C? Prevents scurvi. Good stuff. The Leech recommends really high doses (around the region of 1000mg - 1500mg/day) and plenty of water when you feel the flu coming on. Most of it doesn't get absorbed anyway but I just love chewing the stuff...or drinking the effervescent tabs.

Green. Ahhh...always associate this colour with my enviromental engineer munkee buddee...who is probably right at this very moment gushing over her winter clothing in anticipation of her trip to Japan. Am happy for you woman! Only wish that I am boarding that plane with you. Sigh...maybe Air Asia will fly to Japan and give MAS a run for their money. I seriously tried looking for other cheaper flights but RM3700++ for tickets? Daylight robbery I tell ya. Anyway have fun and if offered any raw horse tongues for dinner...for goodness sakes EAT IT and then come back and tell me all about it. Man...if you really do that I will pay for your champagne dinner when you return. Ha ha. Must have proof (preferrably video with the audio set to high) of you munching AND swallowing the stuff.

Purple. A colour that you will not see in my closet. I don't even have any purple underwear. That's how much I don't like the colour. Hhhmmm, maybe this has something to do with Barney and how he freaks me out.
Then there is this pinkish sort of hue.
And yellow. Very hard to see when blogging because of the white background of the text box. Rumah Mahkota rulez! My old sports house back in high school. Yellow was Mahkota where all the cool and non-kiasu kids hung out. Red was Laksamana...ha ha...I have so much to say about this house but I will not. You know who you are. Blue was Paduka; a lepak and easy going house and then came the green house (Indera); where all the self proclaimed brainiacs gathered to plot strategies for world domination. PS: This paragraph used to be yellow until I got 'gatal' and changed the background of my template...again.


Anonymous said...

Hey...I was in a green sports house (though not your school) and I am still struggling to make it from day to day...that dispproves your theory woman!

~Big D

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