Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Status: Stuffed!

So…after the BBQ steamboat dinner at the Telephone Restaurant last night and resolving (once again) to go on a starvation diet for the next week or so…I managed to prove to myself (once again) that resolutions are made to be broken. As Aunty Poi once so wryly remarked, “Who are we kidding?!” Words of wisdom indeed.

The clinic tonight was a back breaking event. It was also unfortunately a perfect opportunity of building one’s appetite up. By the time the last prescription was dispensed and everything locked up, my stomach started its usual whining which soon turned into fierce growls. Time for Williams.

Introducing William.

It is because of this one jolly fella that my blog is christened ‘bluecheesenaan’…except I thought that most peeps would spell naan as ‘nan’…and hence the intentional typo. Don’t bother asking for a menu. I don’t believe that there is one lying around…and even if there was…it would not be as interesting as hearing him (William) describe his latest inventions with such relish that you could literally see the dish in your mind. This is also one place where it is NOT rude to stare at another table’s orders and then ask around for the name of that particular dish that has caught your fancy. In fact, it is rather flattering when someone points to your plate and asks William about it. It basically means that whatever you are eating is interesting enough to warrant attention and that you have made the right choice…bangga I tell you!

Enough of gushing and down to the nitty gritty of what I ate tonight. As usual, I went there with a predetermined order in my mind; Portobello mushrooms with risotto and baked pasta topping. But alas…as always…William describes another dish of his choice and being the easily swayed people that we are (especially when it comes to food), we agreed without putting up much of a fight. Tonight’s specials were smoked salmon pasta in a creamy white sauce with a light splattering of tuna flakes and beef pesto pasta lightly tossed with pine nuts. Both receive the LEECHES SEAL OF APPROVAL but the smoked salmon pasta wins the prize…though I thought that by adding blue cheese into the sauce, perfection would be achieved. But that’s just me…a blue cheese lover.

The really yummy smoke salmon pasta

The second prize winner; pesto pasta

And then, when we thought that the night was over, he comes over and plonks another dish on our table. Yummy…complimentary bruschetta topped with smoked salmon and blue cheese and another topped with a sun dried tomato paste. Yummy just doesn’t do justice to how wonderfully scrumptious each bruschetta tasted. It’s really good la…REALLY BLINKINGLY SUPERBLY FANTASTIC! But that’s just me…a blue cheese lover.

And the drinks that he concocts! My favourite is the jumbo pint of ribena laichee. Others that I occasionally order would be the mango special, ice lemon tea and the sea coconut laichee (can be substituted with longan if you are hot too thrilled about laichees like I am). One drink that I most probably NEVER order but have tasted before is the banana strawberry blend that Amelia seems to fancy…but then again…being the M-unkee that she is…it’s no wonder really.

So yes indeed…once again…I ended up waddling to my car. My stomach made not a sound…it was after all satisfied as satisfied can be. Good night.


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The Leech said...

I thought that you were a girl by the sound of your name. Blue cheese nan---nan with blue cheese in it. By the way...I like your music.

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