Friday, February 08, 2008

Leech's Favourite Chinese New Year Dish of 2008

Introducing the Muscovy duck. Origin: Brazil. Wild muscovies are coloured black and white but domestication has produced many different colours. They are unique because of the bright red crest around their eyes and above the beak. What does this have to do with my favourite CNY dish you ask with a puzzled and inpatient frown? Look below:
Muscovy duck ala The Leows. Apparently a family secret recipe...a CNY dish that my aunts have been eating for yonks during their childhood...which begs the question...why is it only now that we (the younger generation) are hearing off it? All those wasted years where I could have been stuffing my face silly!

I am not a duck person but this dish has definitely changed that and my second aunt makes it REALLY well. When I say REALLY well...I am REALLY REALLY REALLY well! The sauce, a combination of hoi sin sauce, some red bean paste, some kind of red wine and other stuff that went in one ear and out the other (I guess that it will still remain a secret after all), compliments the tender meat. And this is one lean bird...not much fat under all that major plus point. The other dishes on the table were totally fantastic as well...don't get me wrong...we have been pigging out since we touched down in Penang yesterday...but the duck...yes indeed...the duck...oh my...I am salivating...a pool of drool (hey, it rhymes) is forming on the table...better go and wipe it up before the lap top short circuits. Drip, drip and out!


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hello, i have 2 Muscovy ducklings

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