I have started this post so many times. I have started. I have paused and then I have deleted...again and again. I don't know why. Perhaps I am not ready to summarise this year...yet. Like the years of the past, this one is fleeting and I am grasping at its tail, asking it to slow down. But like any constant, it doesn't, it continues. So, that doesn't leave me much of a choice. I either blog now or December will be left post-less...a sad sad affair seeing how my determination to blog at a more frequent pace has twindled down, down, down towards the end of the year.
But I can feel myself digressing.
In a nutshell, 2008 has been a year filled with many bitter and many a sweet memories and many a firsts. After many years of not being around for the Chinese New Year celebrations, Jess and myself flew up to Penang to be with our Tai Yee...after stuffing our faces silly with steamboat the night before. Our first flight with Fire Fly. You don't want to be without your hand sanitiser in one of them planes. Maybe things have changed now. I hope. My first time voting (and the rakyat spoke up and was heard!). First interview for a promotion (yes, in all of my nine years in the hospital) and then waiting for what seemed like an eternity...and eternity of assumptions. And yes, my first promotion...the sweet yet humbling taste of victory. My first resignation letter (thank you Christie fot the Malay translation). My first hunting for a place of my own. My first time driving on the WRONG side of the road. My first time in Vegas. My first time in KK as a tourist...and not just doing the airport-swanky hotel-airport route. A lot of firsts...many that I can't recall just right now (hey, I turned 30 this year...I SHOULD be allowed to forget things)...but it has all been good...even when it was bad...it always ended up good (this may not make much sense but bear with me).
I have learned much this year...seen much. Had my heart broken to a kazillion pieces. Had it put together again. Experienced first hand how some people can be rats...evil to the core. A harder lesson learnt is that these people sometimes disguise themselves as friends. I found out that back stabbing is such an easy feat that many have black belts in this discipline. People lie and snitch to get what they want and to get out of difficult situations...some of these people call themselves my superior. I guess that I have always known this...but experiencing it is something different altogether.
But yet, I am ending this year on a positive note. Though this year has been a year of changes and has brought about many difficult and life changing decisions to make, I am thankful...for the Hand that has and always will continue to engulf mine. I am thankful for those I call my true friends...my loved ones. I have been blessed with a terrific care group filled with terrific (and crazy...I guess that you could call them terrifically crazy) people. I am thankful for His provision...it has been sufficient and MORE. I have been blessed with faith...in being sure of what I hope for and certain of what I cannot see.
Dear Lord, I end this year with You. Next year is also Yours. And the one after that...and the one after. I don't know what it holds...but I know that You know...and that's enough for me.
Merry Christmas and a great year ahead!
What's with the chemist Tuzki? Anyway, proud of you woman and how you have overcome certain 'difficulties' in 2008. Also very proud of how you made all those decisions. I can tell you one thing; 2009 will not be the same.
Big D
It’s a rare thing to find someone as generous and kind as you. Thank you for supporting my dreams, no matter what. I couldn’t ask for a better partner.
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